We have a searchable database of funding resources for students and researchers in our field below – you can also find it online here..
Resource | Organisation: Award | Eligable | Grant type | Currency | Value | Deadline | Notes | Link |
Notice Board | Animals and Society | NA | Research | $ | NA | Notice board with postings for animal related funding and jobs | human-animal-studies | |
Grant | ASAB: Conference grant | Student; PD; PI | Travel; Conference | £ | 500 | Feb; June; Oct | The award provides a contribution towards the cost of registration, accommodation, and meals, as well as the cost of travel to and from ASAB conference. | ASAB conference-grants |
Grant | ASAB: Research grant | Student; PD; PI | Research | £ | 10000 | October 1 | all areas of animal behaviour, must be ASAB member for 1yr prior | ASAB research-grants |
Search Engine | Campus France | NA | Stipend; Research | E | NA | search engine for scholarships and programs in France | https://www.campusfrance.org/en | |
Search Engine | Campus France | NA | Stipend; Research | E | NA | search engine for scholarships and programs in France | http://campusbourses.campusfrance.org/fria/bourse/#/catalog | |
Grant | Carnegie Trust | PD | Research | £ | 15000 | March 11 | Early career (post-PhD) | https://www.carnegie-trust.org/award-schemes/research-incentive-grants/ |
Grant | Carnegie Trust | PD; PI | Workshop | £ | 50000 | rolling | Skills exchanges. Expression of interest -> 6-8weeks -> full proposal -> 3m | https://www.carnegie-trust.org/award-schemes/research-workshops/ |
Grant | Company of Biologists | Student; PD; PI | Travel; Conference | £ | 500 | rolling (4x per year) | travel to conferences, workshops, research trips and laboratory visits. | https://www.sebiology.org/grants-and-funding/training-and-travel-grants/cob-travel-grant |
Grant | Daphne Jackson Fellowships | PD | Stipend | £ | NA | Daphne Jackson Fellowships are retraining fellowships for women and men who have taken a break of two years or more from STEM research for family, caring or health reasons. UK residency required. | https://daphnejackson.org/about-fellowships/application-process/ | |
Search Engine | EURAXESS | NA | Stipend; Research | E | NA | search engine for scholarships, grants, awards - EU focused | https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/funding/search | |
Search Engine | European Funding | NA | Stipend; Research | E | NA | search engine for scholarships, grants, awards - EU focused | http://www.european-funding-guide.eu/ | |
Crowdfunding platform | Experiment.com | Student; PD; PI | Research | NA | NA | Projects reviewed each 1st & 3rd Monday/Month | Fully funded projects are charged a fee | Researcher's bank must be US, UK, Canada & Australia | https://experiment.com/faq | |
Grant | IPS | Student; PD; PI | Research | $ | 1500 | March 1 | addition $500 for community conservation component | http://www.internationalprimatologicalsociety.org/research.cfm |
Grant | IPS | Student; PD; PI | Conservation | $ | 1500 | March 1 | addition $500 for community conservation component | http://www.internationalprimatologicalsociety.org/conservation.cfm |
Notice Board | Johns Hopkins University | NA | Stipend; Research | $ | NA | List of federal and private funing opportunities | https://research.jhu.edu/rdt/funding-opportunities/graduate/ | |
Notice Board | Johns Hopkins University | NA | Stipend; Research | $ | NA | List of federal and private funing opportunities: postdoc only | https://research.jhu.edu/rdt/funding-opportunities/postdoctoral/ | |
Notice Board | Johns Hopkins University | NA | Stipend; Research | $ | NA | List of federal and private funing opportunities: early career specific | https://research.jhu.edu/rdt/funding-opportunities/early-career/ | |
Grant | Leverhulme: Early Career Fellowship | PD | Research | £ | 50000 | Feb 2021 | Funding for experienced researchers, in academia or as established independent researchers, to undertake research on a topic of their choice. Funding covers research costs, replacement teaching costs, or loss of earnings. | https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/grant-schemes/research-fellowships |
Grant | Leverhulme: Fellowship | PD | Research | £ | 60000 | Nov 2020 | experienced researchers in any discipline, to complete a piece of research | https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/research-fellowships |
Grant | Leverhulme: International Fellowship | PD | Research; Travel | £ | 50000 | Nov 2020 | established researchers to develop new knowledge, skills and ideas in one or more research centres outside the UK | https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/international_fellowships |
Grant | Leverhulme: Philip Leverhulme Prize | PD | Research | £ | 100000 | May 2021 | researchers at an early stage of their careers whose work has had international impact and whose future research career is exceptionally promising - to use for any research purpose | https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/philip-leverhulme-prizes |
Grant | Leverhulme: Research Grant | Student; PD; PI | Research | £ | 500000 | March; Sept; Dec | research with position to tackle a project | https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/research-project-grants |
Grant | Leverhulme: Research Leadership Award | PI | Research | £ | 10000000 | currently closed | established resarchers need to build a team to answer a Question | https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/research-leadership-awards |
Grant | Leverhulme: Study Abroad | Student; PD; PI | Research; Travel | £ | 21000 | Jan 2021 | students to study or undertake research at a centre of learning in any country except the UK or USA | https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/study-abroad-studentships |
Grant | Morris Animal Foundation Wildlife Grants | PD, PI | Research (w/ practical application) | $ | 75000 | Nov | bridge science and resources for animal health and welbeing | https://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/apply |
Search Engine | National Science Foundation | NA | Stipend; Research | $ | NA | search engine for US National Science Foundation funding | www.nsf.gov | |
Article | Nature | Student; PD; PI | Stipend; Research | NA | NA | News article on crowdfunding | https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00104-1 | |
Grant | NERC | PI | Research | £ | 800000 | July; Jan | all areas of animal behaviour; demand managed by university | https://nerc.ukri.org/funding/available/researchgrants/standard/ |
Crowdfunding platform | Patreon | Student; PD; PI | Research | NA | NA | Art focused - but lots of sci-art and sci-comm examples | www.patreon.com | |
Search Engine | Petersons | NA | Stipend; Research | NA | NA | search engine for scholarships, grants, awards | https://www.petersons.com/scholarship-search.aspx | |
Grant | Physiological Society Travel grant | Student; PD; PI | Travel; Conference | £ | 100-700 | rolling | travel grants help physiologists attend conferences and workshops | https://www.physoc.org/supporting-you/grants/travel-grants/ |
Grant | Royal Anthropological Institute | Student; PD; PI | Research | £ | NA | Royal Anthropological Institute and Anthropologists’ Fund for Urgent Anthropological Research (AFUAR); UK host insitution | https://www.therai.org.uk/awards/fellowships/urgent-anthropology-fellowship | |
Grant | Royal Anthropological Institute: Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund | PD; PI | Research | £ | 10000 | Mar | encourage postgraduates to pursue fieldwork, and so to develop their careers as anthropologists/archaeologists | https://www.therai.org.uk/awards/research-grants/emslie-horniman-anthropological-scholarship-fund |
Grant | Royal Society Biology | Student; PD | Travel | £ | 500 | 2021 | opportunity of overseas travel in connection with biological study, teaching or research to those who would otherwise be unlikely to have it. | https://www.rsb.org.uk/get-involved/grants/travel-grants/travel-grants-affiliate-amrsb |
Grant | Ruggles-Gates Fund | Student | Research | £ | 1500 | Mar | Biological Anthropology focused (must have BSc, but not yet finished PhD) | https://www.therai.org.uk/awards/research-grants/ruggles-gates-fund-for-biological-anthropology |
Grant | Santander - St Leonard's Postgraduate College Research Mobility Awards | Student; PD | Travel; Research | £ | 1000 | Jan 17 | For any postgrad student, to cover field work/research visit/conference | www.st-andrews.ac.uk/pgstudents/stleonards/community/santander/ |
Grant | Santander - St Leonard's Postgraduate College Research Mobility Awards | Student; PD | Travel; Research | £ | 1000 | May 8 | For any postgrad student, to cover field work/research visit/conference | www.st-andrews.ac.uk/pgstudents/stleonards/community/santander/ |
Grant | UK gov Darwin Initiative (Developing nation fellowship) | PI | Fellowship | £ | stipend & fees | Jan 21 | capacity building for researchers from developing countries; can be used for MSc fellowship | |
Grant | UK gov Darwin Initiative (Research grant) | PI | Research; Conservation | £ | 500000 | Sept 1 | min £50k; wildlife and habitat conservation in developing countries | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/darwin-initiative-applying-for-main-project-funding |
Search Engine | US Government | NA | Stipend; Research | $ | NA | search engine for US federal funding | https://www.grants.gov/ | |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Conference and Workshops | Student, PD, PI | Workshop; Conference | $ | 20000 | Jun; Dec | priority is given to events that foster the creation of an international community of research scholars in anthropology and advance significant and innovative anthropological research | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/conference-and-workshop-grants |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Dissertation Fieldwork Grants | Student | Research | $ | 20000 | May; Nov | awarded to aid doctoral or thesis research | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/dissertation-fieldwork-grants |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Engaged Anthro disemination | Student, PD, PI | Impact | $ | 5000 | Aug | designed to enable grantees to return to their research locale to share their research results with: The community in which the research was conducted, and/or the academic/anthropological community in the region or country of research. | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/engaged-anthropology-grant |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Engaged Research | Student, PD, PI | Research | $ | 20000 | NA | support research partnerships that empower those who have historically been among those researched in anthropology, rather than researchers themselves | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/engaged-research-grants |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Fejos Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethnographic Film | Student, PD, PI | Research | $ | 40000 | support the completion of ethnographic film/s based on anthropological research already accomplished by the applicant | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/fejos-postdoctoral-fellowship-ethnographic-film | |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Global Iniative Grant | Student, PD, PI | Research | $ | 20000 | May | one-time projects designed to meet a need not addressed by our other programs | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/global-initiatives-grants |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Hunt writing fellowship | PD | Stipend | $ | 40000 | May | Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships support the writing-up of already completed research | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/hunt-postdoctoral-fellowships |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Post-Ph.D. Research Grants | PD | Research | $ | 20000 | May; Nov | awarded to individuals holding a Ph.D. or equivalent degree to support individual research projects. | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/post-phd-research-grants |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Seminars | Student, PD, PI | Seminars | $ | Oct | small five-day workshops that bring together scholars at different stages of their career for conversations addressing one or more of the Foundation’s strategic goals | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/wenner-gren-symposia-and-seminars | |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Wadsworth African Fellowships | Student | Stipend; Research | $ | 17500 | Dec | intended to provide support for African students undertaking study leading to a Ph.D. at a South African university | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/wadsworth-african-fellowships |
Grant | Wenner Gren Foundation: Wadsworth International Fellowships | Student | Stipend; Research | $ | 17500 | Mar | intended to provide support for students undertaking study leading to a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree at universities where they can receive international-level training in anthropology | http://www.wennergren.org/programs/wadsworth-international-fellowships |
Grant | National Geographic | Student, PD, PI | Research | $ | 30000 | Jan | 10-30000 typically; request for funding by an experienced project leader in the areas of conservation, education, research, storytelling, and technology | https://www.nationalgeographic.org/funding-opportunities/grants/what-we-fund/ |
Grant | APEX Awards | PI | Research; Teaching buyout | £ | 100000 | Oct | Promote collaboration across disciplines, with a particular emphasis on the boundary between science, engineering and the social sciences and humanities | https://www.raeng.org.uk/grants-prizes/grants/support-for-research/apex-awards |
Grant | Schlumberger Fellowship - Faculty of the Future | PhD, PD (women only; developing nations) | Stipend; Research | $ | 40000pa | Nov | seeks to positively impact gender balance in science disciplines by reinforcing the presence and qualifications of women in developing and emerging economies. | https://www.slb.com/who-we-are/schlumberger-foundation/faculty-for-the-future-general-faqs |
Grant | Leakey Foundation | PhD, PD | Research | $ | 25000 | Jan 10th; July 15th | exclusively funds research related to human origins. Priority of funding is commonly given to exploratory phases of promising new research projects | https://leakeyfoundation.org/grants/research-grants/ |
Grant | Leakey Foundation | East African student, researcher | Research | $ | 25000 | Jan 10th; July 15th | expand human knowledge and scientific interest in earth sciences and botany related to human origins by providing financial assistance to East African researchers and students | https://leakeyfoundation.org/grants/francisbrownfund/ |
Grant | Leakey Foundation | Students countries limited resources | Field school costs | $ | 2000 | rolling | provides up to $2,000 towards field school tuition for students who are from countries with limited resources to support training in fieldwork related to human origins research. | https://leakeyfoundation.org/grants/fieldschool/ |
Grant | British Academy/Leverhulme | Post doc/PI | Research | £ | 10000 | Nov | provided to cover the cost of the expenses arising from a defined research project | https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/funding/ba-leverhulme-small-research-grants/ |
Grant | Explorers Club | Student | Research | $ | 5000 | Dec | supports exploration and field research for those who are just beginning their research careers | https://explorers.org/expeditions/funding/expedition_grants |
Grant | Royal Geographic society: Nevile Shulman | Researcher | Research (exploration) | £ | 5000 | Nov | further the understanding and exploration of the planet - its cultures, peoples and environments - while promoting personal development through the intellectual or physical challenges involved in undertaking a research project or expedition | https://www.rgs.org/in-the-field/in-the-field-grants/expedition-grants/neville-shulman-challenge-award/ |
Grant | Royal Geographic society: Thesiger-Oman International Fellowships | Post doc/PI | Research (exploration) | £ | 8000 | Nov | advance geographical knowledge, involving fieldwork, in an arid or semi-arid environment | https://www.rgs.org/in-the-field/in-the-field-grants/research-grants/thesiger-oman-fellowship/ |
Grant | Royal Geographic society: Gilchrist Fieldwork | Post doc/PI | Research (exploration) | £ | 15000 | see summer 2021 | original and challenging overseas fieldwork carried out by small teams | https://www.rgs.org/in-the-field/in-the-field-grants/research-grants/gilchrist-fieldwork-award/ |
Grant | Royal Geographic society: Environment and Sustainabilty | Post doc/PI | Research (exploration) | £ | 15000 | Feb | some of the bigger issues of environmental sustainability | https://www.rgs.org/in-the-field/in-the-field-grants/research-grants/environment-and-sustainability-research-grants/ |
Grant | Scientific Exploration Society | Anyone | Research (exploration) | £ | 4-7000 | April | Exploration - photography and film-making, research, challenges | https://www.ses-explore.org/explorer-awards |
Grant | Primate Society Great Britain: Research | Student members | Research | £ | 1000 | March | http://www.psgb.org/research_grants.php | |
Grant | Primate Society Great Britain: Captive care | Student members | Research | £ | 1000 | March | http://www.psgb.org/captivecare_grants.php | |
Grant | Primate Society Great Britain: Conservation | Student members | Research | £ | 1000 | March | http://www.psgb.org/conservation_grants.php | |
Grant | American Primatological Society: research | Student members | Research | $ | 1500 | April | training initiatives, start-up funds, supplementary funding for students, and innovations in animal care and research technology | https://www.asp.org/grants/research/index.cfm |
Grant | American Primatological Society: conservation | Student members | Research-conservation | $ | 2000 | April | conservation research or related projects, including conservation education | https://www.asp.org/grants/conservation/index.cfm |
Grant | American Primatological Society: travel | Student members | Travel | $ | 500 | rolling | active student members of ASP are eligible for $500.00 awards to offset the cost of travel and accommodation to the ASP meeting | https://www.asp.org/grants/travel/index.cfm |
Endorsement | Scientific Exploration Society | Anyone | rolling | endorse expedition - promote research, give talks etc. | https://www.ses-explore.org/expeditions | |||
Grant | Great Apes & Gibbons | Organizations | Research | $ | 100000-150000 | rolling | conservation and protection of great apes | https://www.arcusfoundation.org/ |
Grant | The Foundations of Human Behavior Initiative | All (within Harvard) | Research | $ | 5000 (PD), 40000 (Faculty) | last day of February, May, August, and November | Harvard Only, must be supported by Ladder-Faculty: "support transformative research in the social and behavioral sciences. These research funds provide seed grants to support interdisciplinary social science research projects based on innovative experimental or observational designs that make use of sophisticated quantitative methods" | https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/fhb/application-instructions |
Grant | Moncrieff Travelling Scholarship | St Andrews science students | Travel | $ | 12000; 500-5000 | April | https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/students/study-abroad/finance/scholarships/moncriefftravellingscholarship/ | |
Grant | Moncrieff Travelling Scholarship | St Andrews students | Travel | £ | 1-4000 | March | https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/students/study-abroad/finance/scholarships/santanderscholarships/ | |
Grant | Royal Society Edinburgh | Researcher at Scottish institution | Research | £ | 5000 | July | Small Grants are designed to support personally conducted high-quality research. | https://www.rse.org.uk/awards/rse-research-network-grants/ |
Grant | Royal Society Edinburgh | Researcher at Scottish institution | Research and Travel/Event costs | £ | 10000 | July | Research Workshops are designed to encourage collaborative investigation into a research proposition at an early stage of development. | https://www.rse.org.uk/awards/rse-research-network-grants/ |
Grant | Royal Society Edinburgh | Researcher at Scottish institution | Research and Travel/Event costs | £ | 20000 | July | Research Networks are designed to create and/or to consolidate collaborative partnerships over a two-year period. | https://www.rse.org.uk/awards/rse-research-network-grants/ |
Grant | Daiwa Foundation | UK-Japan research exchange | Research, travel | £ | 7000 | September | Grants of £2,000-£7,000 are available to individuals, societies, associations or other bodies in the UK or Japan to promote and support interaction between the two countries. | https://dajf.org.uk/daiwa-foundation-small-grants-and-awards/daiwa-foundation-small-grants |
Grant | Wildlife Acoustics | Anyone at educational/charitable institution | Acoustic equipment for research with conservation angle | $ | 5000 | 15 Feb/May/Aug/Nov | Wildlife Acoustics will give away up to $5,000 worth of products* to grant recipients worldwide. Recipients also have the opportunity to have their work featured on our website and social media channels. | https://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/grant-program |