Our publications

Find our latest research on the Wild Minds Lab google scholar page,
or check out our publications below, many of which come in a range of formats.
(1) French translation of paper (using DeepL) *May contain errors from original text
(2) Reading of paper (on YouTube)
(3) Comic book style summary of paper (by Kirsty Graham)

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2024Badihi et alChimpanzee gestural exchanges share temporal structure with human languageCurrent Biology1) Français
2024Badihi et alPerspectives on Conservation Impacts of the Global Primate TradeInternational Journal of Primatology1) Français
2024Bezanson et alNews and Perspectives- Words matter in primatologyPrimates1) Français
2024Cusick et alIs it time to get over the X? Assessing the global impact and future of social media conferences in animal behaviourAnimal Behaviour1) Français
2024Eleuteri et alMultimodal communication and audience directedness in the greeting behaviour of semi-captive African savannah elephantsCommunications Biology1) Français
2024Fedurek et alSelective deforestation and exposure of African wildlife to bat-borne virusesCommunications Biology1) Français
2024Freymann et alApplying collocation and APRIORI analyses to chimpanzeediets- Methods for investigating nonrandom foodcombinations in primate self‐medicationAmerican Journal of Primatology1) Français
2024Freymann et alPharmacological and behavioral investigation of putative self-medicative plants in Budongo chimpanzee dietsPLOS ONE1) Français
2024Freymann et alThe Adaptive Role of Bark in the Diet of Budongo Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)International Journal of Primatology1) Français
2024Friederici et alBrain structure and function- a multidisciplinary pipeline to study hominoid brain evolutionFrontiers in Integrative Neuroscience1) Français
2024Graham et alSuccessful adoption of non-orphaned infant by a parous, nursing female in yaki (Sulawesi crested macaque)Behaviour1) Français
2024Graham et alThe origin of great ape gestural formsBiological Reviews1) Français
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3) Comic
2024GrahamGoal-directed bodily signals in birds and frogsLearning & Behavior1) Français
2024Grund et alGesturalOrigins- A bottom-up framework for establishing systematic gesture data across ape speciesBehavior Research Methods1) Français
2024Henderson et alShared semantics- Exploring the interface between human and chimpanzee gestural communicationMind & Language1) Français
2) Audio
2024Hobaiter et alEve of extinctionNature Ecology & Evolution1) Français
2024Koops et alFlexible grouping patterns in a western and eastern chimpanzee communityAmerican Journal of Primatology1) Français
2024Mielke et alMany morphs- Parsing gesture signals from the noiseBehavior Research Methods1) Français
2024Patel-Grosz et alPrimate origins of discourse-managing gestures- the case of hand flingLinguistics Vanguard1) Français
2) Audio
2024Westra  et alIn search of animal normativity- a framework for studying social norms in non-human animalsBiological Reviews1) Français
2023Badihi et alDialects in leaf-clipping and other leaf-modifying gestures between neighbouring communities of East African chimpanzeesScientific Reports1) Français
2023Graham et alTowards a great ape dictionary- Inexperienced humans understand common nonhuman ape gesturesPLOS Biology1) Français
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3) Comic
2023Hobaiter et alHabitual ground nesting in the Bugoma Forest chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii), UgandaAmerican Journal of Primatology1) Français
2023Wiltshire et alDeepWild- Application of the pose estimation tool DeepLabCut for behaviour tracking in wild chimpanzees and bonobosJournal of Animal Ecology1) Français
2022Eleuteri et alThe form and function of chimpanzee buttress drummingAnimal Behaviour1) Français
2) Audio
2022Graham et alA socio-ecological perspective on the gestural communication of great ape species, individuals, and social unitsEthology Ecology & Evolution1) Français
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3) Comic
2022Hobaiter et alAre ape gestures like words? Outstanding issues in detecting similarities and differences between human language and ape gesturePhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society1) Français
2022Holden et alMaternal attitudes and behaviours differentially shape infant early life experience- A cross cultural studyPLOS ONE1) Français
2022Péter et alRecognition of visual kinship signals in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) by humans (Homo sapiens)Journal of Comparative Psychology1) Français
2022Raby et alAn inclusive venue to discuss behavioural biology research- thefirstglobal Animal Behaviour Twitter ConferenceAnimal Behaviour1) Français
2021Graham et alDetecting joint attention events in mother-infant dyads- Sharing looks cannot be reliably identified by naïve third-party observersPLOS ONE1) Français
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2021GrahamDomesticated blissCurrent Biology1) Français
2021Kavanagh et alDominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primatesRoyal Society Open Science1) Français
2020Graham et alContext, not sequence order, affects themeaning of bonobo (Pan paniscus) gesturesGesture1) Français
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2020Graham et alScratching beneath the surface-intentionality in great ape signal productionPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society1) Français
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2020Rodrigues et alConnecting primate gesture to the evolutionary rootsof language- A systematic reviewAmerican Journal of Primatology1) Français
2019Cartmill et alDevelopmental perspectives on primate gesture- 100 years in the makingAnimal Cognition1) Français
2019Cartmill et alGesturing towards the future- cognition, big data, and the future of comparative gesture researchAnimal Cognition1) Français
2019Heesen et alLinguistic laws in chimpanzee gestural communicationProceedings of the Royal Society.1) Français
2019Kersken et alA gestural repertoire of 1- to 2-year-old human children- in search of the ape gesturesAnimal Cognition1) Français
2019Knox et alGesture Use in Communication between Mothers and Offspring in Wild Orang-Utans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) from the Sabangau Peat-Swamp Forest, BorneoInternational Journal of Primatology1) Français
2018Frolich et alThe development of gestural communication in great apesBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology1) Français
2018Graham et alBonobo and chimpanzee gestures overlap extensively in meaningPLOS Biology1) Français
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2017Byrne et alGreat ape gestures- intentional communication with a rich set of innate signalsAnimal Cognition1) Français
2017Graham et alThe gestural repertoire of the wild bonobo (Pan paniscus)- a mutually understood communication systemAnimal Cognition1) Français
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2017Hobaiter et alWhat is a gesture? A meaning-based approach to defining gestural repertoiresNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews1) Français
2017Hobaiter et alWild chimpanzees’ use of single and combined vocal and gestural signalsBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology1) Français
2014Hobaiter et alDeictic Gesturing in Wild Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)? Some Possible CasesJournal of Comparative Psychology1) Français
2014Hobaiter et alThe Meanings of Chimpanzee GesturesCurrent Biology1) Français
2013Hobaiter et alLaterality in the gestural communication of wildchimpanzeesAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences1) Français
2011Hobaiter et alGesture use in Consortship- wild chimpanzees’ use of 1gesture for an ‘evolutionarily urgent’ purposeBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology1) Français
2011Hobaiter et alSerial gesturing by wild chimpanzees- its nature and function for communicationAnimal Cognition1) Français
2011Hobaiter et alThe gestural repertoire of the wild chimpanzeeAnimal Cognition1) Français
2009Genty et alGestural communication of the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)- repertoire, intentionality and possible originsAnimal Cognition1) Français